Egg Shoot
The public is invited to join us at the Shirley Rod and Gun Club on Kittredge Rd in Shirley, MA for our monthly Egg Shoot!
Please see the shoot schedule for the dates.
The egg destruction usually begins at 1:00 PM (check the shoot schedule for the start time) and lasts until we have a clear winner (usually about two hours).
Here's how it works:
There are 3 Classes inlcuding Rimfire Rifle, Centerfire Rifle, and Semi-Auto Rifle. Each Class has two rounds.
The first round is four shots and consists of one shot each at eggs placed at 50 yards, 50 yards hanging from a string, 75 yards, and 100 yards. You also get one extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
The second round is five shots - one each at 50 yards, 50 yards hanging from a string, 75 yards, 100 yards, and 100 yards hanging from a string. You also get one extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
Centerfire Rifle
The first round is four shots and consists of one shot each at eggs placed at 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 yards, and 200 yards. You also get one extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
The second round is five shots - one each at 50 yards, 75 yards , 100 yards, 200 yards, and 200 yards hanging from a string. You also get one extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
Semi-Auto Rifle
The first round is four shots and consists of shots at eggs placed at 50 yards, 75 yards, 100 yards, and 200 yards. You also get 4 extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
The second round is five shots and consists of shots at 50 yards, 75 yards , 100 yards, 200 yards, and 200 yards hanging from a string. You also get five extra mulligan shot in case you miss a shot.
Prizes are rewarded for first place in each class. The winner will be the person that hits the most eggs during the combined two rounds with the least amount of shots. Any egg that leaks yolk, white, or albumen is considered
a 'hit'. If you graze it and it doesn't leak, you didn't hit it. In the event of a tie, a shoot off will take place until a winner emerges.
We recommend that you bring at least 20 rounds of ammo to complete the course of fire.
Please be sure that your gun is ready to shoot, all sighting in must be completed 1 hour prior to the competition.
The entry fee is $10 per class
- You may use any type of rifle, caliber, and scope.
- You must shoot from the bench with the forestock of the rifle either on the Club-provided shooting bag or on your own bipod. You may not use your own shooting bag or rest.
- The butt of the rifle must be supported 'free hand'. No sand bag or other resting device may be used for the butt of the rifle.
PLEASE NOTE: The rifle range will be closed during this event.